Monday, July 6, 2020

Oh Jenifer

Oh Jenifer I heard your calls
You were alluring, I was drawn
You surely would add to the story
Of paths well taken, of lives fully lived
My journey had taken me thus far
And I wanted to walk with you
‘Til the end of this day
Softly, gently you showed me the way
I was so sure the route would be easy
I was as carefree as could be
Oh Jenifer what did happen
To a promise of a fabulous stay
I thought there would be an interlude
Something to sweeten my dreams by
I found myself wandering about in confusion
Without knowing when you had left my side
I didn’t know whether I should march on
Or return to you for a sign of clarity
My legs covered more miles than I meant to do
In the end I realized you had led me astray
Oh Jenifer I’d found my way
Without going back to search for you
I hope to be more prepared
When my name is ever called again
I should be armed with maps and compasses
So always I know how to get out
Of the woods and of the many Jenifers
However hauntingly beautiful they may be
If by chance someday we’ll meet again
I hope to not lose you half way through the Jenifer Loop Trail

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