Friday, August 9, 2019

In Peace

Today we lost a member of our family. The world lost a WWII veteran. We share the sadness and hold the memories of which we were all a part, we will be brought closer together. We will cry and laugh and rejoice together. He had gone in peace and our hearts will be at peace. Many stories will be told about him. The youngest generation got to see him and witness the family love surrounding him. They will recall the time they flew across the country to spend one full day with him. Their mother had chosen the right date.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Disney 2019

July came and July’s gone
But our memories linger on
We had fun in rain or shine
In blistering feet or sweltering heat
Under ponchos or soaking wet
We didn’t complain nor did we pout
Rides got cancelled? We didn’t slow down
We made them up next time around
We never mind repeating rides
If in riding pleasure we found
We changed the rules and fixed the times
We skipped our naps if that’s required
We set the pace that few can match
We had the fervor many desire
We welcomed Ông who came this year
With anticipation and without fear
We raised a toast in celebration
For the Prodigal Son’s inspiration