How time flew.
It was not long ago
when you were just a babe,
born when the ground was white with snow.
Dad drove the car
into the snow bank,
after you had made your first cry.
Some memories etched in our minds like
the first time we ventured forth
Some memories etched in our minds like
the first time we ventured forth
to the beach where the waves are calm
and the wild horses roam free.
It was the first time it closed down
in decades, if ever,
due to unsafe needles on its shore.
You had a fever.
We left in a hurry.
On the way home we visited
the emergency room.
We nursed you back to health
from a terrible pneumonia.
Over the years I watched you grow
and change with time.
How you were ready for the first day of school
and could not wait to get out of school.
How you wanted to go with me to places
and wanted to go to places without me.
How you loved math, hated math, and loved math again,
and graduated with a major in math.
I cherish who you are
and yearn for what is gone.
I rejoice in your independence
and yearn to hold you tight.
I celebrate your accomplishment
and yearn to urge you on.
I have loved you from the beginning
and my love is here till the end of time.
May the road you’ll take
bring you joy and peace.
May your heart be light,
bearing few burdens.
May you learn from failures
as you find successes.
May you never waver
from believing in yourself.
You hold the future,
and steadfastly I will cheer you on.
Dedicated to Thal
May 2013
Dedicated to Thal
May 2013